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Workshops around the world
Casa Maria Montessori, Malta
Montessori4Inclusion, Wisconsin, USA
Montessori House of Kids, Switzerland
Santa Cruz Montessori, USA
Aquinas Montessori School, USA
Montessori School of Alexandria, USA
Lead Montessori, Czech Republic
International Peace Day, Ukraine
Casa Maria Montessori, Malta
Workshops Around the World
I am grateful to those who have participated in my workshops and other training programs. They have helped create memories and lasting impressions within communities around the world. It has been truly fulfilling to witness the joy on the faces of teachers as they expressed how this will positively impact students. Explore a few of my past events here through photo and video!
Montessori4Inclusion, Wisconsin, USA
Funga Alafia is a greeting song in many parts of West Africa, mainly Nigeria. In the Yoruba language, Funga Alafia (the call) has the meaning similar to “welcome” – “good health” – “peace.” Ashay (the response) is like the western “Amen” and symbolizes the Creator uniting all living and non-living things.
Montessori House of Kids, Switzerland
The course, onsite or online, and the lesson manual, in English or translation, are forMontessori Guides/Teachers and staff to implement directly in their school and, byspecial arrangement, for Montessori training centers.
Lead Montessori, Czech Republic
Body percussion is a primal instinct to imitate and create rhythmic patterns. The four body gestures - clap, pat, stamp, and snap - are easily available to children. They “rhythmisize” their body at a time when body awareness and movement are developing.
Santa Cruz Montessori, USA
Without being simplistic, the approach is within the range of everyone, regardless of musical education or lack thereof.
Montessori School of Alexandria, USA
“Music, if it be in reality an expressive language, suggests everything to children if they are left to themselves. Rhythmic interpretation of the musical thought is expressed by the attitude and movement of body and spirit.” - Maria Montessori
Aquinas Montessori School, USA
"Elemental music is never music alone, but forms a unity with movement, dance and speech... It is music that one makes oneself, to which one is drawn not as a listener, but as a participant... Elemental music is near the earth, natural, physical, within the range of everyone to learn and experience and suitable for the child...everything that awakens and develops the powers of the spirit.” - Carl Orff
Montessori de Terra Linda, CA.
Montessori Orff courses explore a total music experience, uniting movement, speech rhythms, body percussion, stories, poems, dramatic play, dance, singing, and percussion instruments.
International Peace Day, Ukraine
Montessori-Orff Music is based on an elemental approach to music and movement that is accessible to all.
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